Thieves of Ashenvale

This is the result of 5 months of self study and individual improvement I did as part of my study.

My personal learning goal was to better understand player behaviour and emergant narrative through asymmetrical gameplay. The product I have made can be downloaded on my, it is not fully polished, and not entirely finished, but it conveys the general gameplay and is online multiplayer compatible.

Almost everything you can see in this game is made entirely by me, the only caveats being the materials on the 3D models (which were from substance share), and the plugin used for the network code. The specific use of the API was my code. Models, illustrations, design and functionality are all my work.

In retrospect I am somewhat sad that I was not able to fully finish the games polish in the time of that course, and had I not lost the project files to a hard drive failure, reducing me to a month old backup, I would very much have liked to finish it.

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