Kemono Battlers

This was the seventh group project I have worked on for my study at Saxion. I had a team of 6 people with various roles and specialties, and we had 3 weeks of fulltime work to make this whole thing from scratch.

The idea was to make an auto-battler game for mobile that uses a gacha-style monetization system. To make that work, we focussed especially hard on the free to play playstyle of the design, so that we would not lose that crowd as soon as most of those games do. The product we have made can be downloaded on my, and represents a vertical slice of the actual game.

During this project I worked as our groups programmer, the system designer, and the animator. This was because as part of this project us designers were forced to make do without an actual programming student.

Another part of this project was that the best games from each class were chosen to present infront of industry professionals in a dragons den style setting. While we had this honour, it did not lead to any other developments afterwards.

The main thing I want to focus on in retrospect is the monetization strategies we had planned for it. While I am certain that concrete implementation of our Gacha system would have been ethical, simply because I trust the other designer who worked with me on this project, I do still think that we did not sufficiently discuss this problematic topic at the time.

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