Lil' Gill

This was the sixth group project I have worked on for my study at Saxion. I had a team of 6 people with various roles and specialties, and we had 3 weeks of fulltime work to make this whole thing from scratch.

The idea was a simple endless runner where you play a fish that has to escape from a diver. The main challenge in creating this game was in the hardware that we used, since the game was made for the LookingGlass holographic display and to be controlled using a LeapMotion controller and you hand gestures as input. Getting used to these technologies and both figuring out their quirks and issues and simultaneously working around them was a very interesting challenge.

During this project I worked as our groups scrum-master, the main systems designer, the only rigger and animator, and I also did some simple scripting (mostly for playtesting versions of more complex systems so that we could test in a better simulation).

In retrospect I must say that a lot of the animations in the game are not in any way up to par, but that is mostly due to the fact that we had neither rigging nor 3d animation classes before and this was just self taught improvisation on my part.

We also made a website for this project, and while it would probably be smarter to mirror large parts of it here, I feel like that would be doing the person who worked on it a disservice, so I hope you will take your time and actually look at it instead !

This game is also entertaining and novel enough to still be featured at many of the open days at Saxion Enschede to showcase to potential students what kind of cool projects they would get to create during their study, which both me and my team are rather proud of.

Lil' Gill Shark Chase Instructions
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